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Monday, August 23, 2010

Coelum Philosophorum

I've started to use Calibre to convert to EPUB format various esoteric texts scattered online. The one unifying element to these texts is their potential for enabling spiritual and physical growth in the reader. I have been studying the writings of Carl Jung on Alchemy and have reached a point of understanding of these (difficult in and of themselves) texts to want to read further the primary source material. So it is advisable to use the volumes by Jung on Alchemy and Psychology as starting points if that is so desired (these however are not in the public domain and must be purchased). In addition to alchemical texts, I will be providing related texts from sources as varied as ancient vedic and tantric texts to texts by modern shaman like William Burroughs and Terrance McKenna. I believe that we are in the midst of a great awakening. And this blog will serve as one small aspect of enabling this awakening to achieve itself. The texts themselves will be uploaded to DivShare. Cosmic Love to you all.

1 comment:


    This is a link to Coelum Philosophorum by Paracelsus.
